Opening a childcare franchise with Children’s Lighthouse is a straightforward and transparent process that involves a number of informative steps. One of them is taking the time to go over our Franchise Disclosure Document or FDD. An FDD is an important document required by law for all franchisors to have and that goes over everything you need to know about a brand, including its history, its value propositions, and key players. It’s vital that you be as well-informed as possible before making any kind of investment, and a careful review of our FDD will help you with ours. Here, we’ll take a closer look at what sort of information you’ll find in the Children’s Lighthouse FDD.
What’s Expected of You
In order for a brand and its franchisees to enjoy the most success, it’s important that the processes and guidelines put in place be followed. These are laid out in our FDD. Sticking to our business model, proprietary materials, and brand culture ensures consistency and allows all our preschool owners to succeed. You’ll have plenty of freedom to make your franchise your own, but it’s important to remember that you’ll be a face of the Children’s Lighthouse brand, so it’s vital that you do business using our time-tested procedures.
What Our Role Is
We know our responsibilities to you are essential to your success, so we don’t take the franchisee/franchisor relationship lightly. We clearly lay out all the training and support you can expect from us in our FDD, as well as what kind of marketing resources you can look forward to and other value propositions. We know the continued growth of the Children’s Lighthouse brand is a joint effort, and we explain the details of that in our FDD.
What the Numbers Look Like
What does your Children’s Lighthouse investment look like, and what does it get you? These are fundamental questions that get thoroughly answered in our FDD. You’ll learn what your initial investment will be, including the franchise fee itself, and what your startup costs should amount to, as well as the cost of necessary supplies and materials. You’ll also learn more about any ongoing fees, including monthly royalties and marketing fees.
We know that opening a childcare franchise with Children’s Lighthouse is not an insignificant commitment, so we make sure to give you everything you’ll need to make an educated and careful investment decision.
Take Your Time to Review
One of the most important things you can do for yourself as you review our FDD is to make sure you have ample time to do so. It contains a lot of validated information that’ll help you make an educated decision about your partnership with us. Often, potential franchisees go over our FDD with their attorneys. Remember, too, that we’re always available to answer any questions you might have to make sure you understand what a Children’s Lighthouse opportunity has to offer.
To request a copy of the Children’s Lighthouse FDD, get in touch today!