How Will You Start Your Children’s Lighthouse Preschool Franchise?

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What does it take to open a franchise with us? Well, it’s a pretty straightforward process that will answer all your questions about our brand and investment, and that will leave you feeling excited to get your Children’s Lighthouse preschool franchise up and running. Keep reading to find out more about the steps you’ll take to open your preschool and become an important resource to your community.

How to Start a Preschool Business

When it comes to starting a preschool business with us, we make sure the process is transparent and informative. Below is a breakdown of some of the more important steps you’ll take.

Reach Out to Us

Your franchise journey will likely start right here, on our website. It’s where you’ll fill out a brief form with a bit of information about yourself that lets us know of your interest in our preschool franchise investment. Once we receive it, someone from our franchise team will give you a call. This will be our first chance to get to know each other better and to find out more about your background and goals. You’ll have time to ask us questions, too, as you discover more about our opportunity. 

Learn About Our Proprietary Curriculum and More 

Now you’ll have the chance to learn more about our philosophy and our unique curriculum, among other value propositions. We’ll go over our training and ongoing support, as well as our real estate and site selection process. You’ll also find out more about our new business model, which allows franchisees to lease the land their school will be built on.

Receive Our FDD

Our Franchise Disclosure Document, or FDD, is an essential document that franchise brands are required to have because it goes over every aspect of our opportunity, from costs to training and support to the history of our brand. You’ll have the opportunity to review ours thoroughly – with an attorney if you like – before moving on to the next step.

Enjoy a Discovery Day 

One of the most informative and exciting steps in the franchise process is a Discovery Day, during which time you’ll visit our home office in Fort Worth, Texas, and meet with the company founders and our expert leadership team. You’ll have the chance to share more about your goals and background and to ask us any last-minute questions you may have. At this point, you and the team will come to a decision about whether or not a Children’s Lighthouse franchise opportunity is the right one for you.

 Sign Your Agreement

Congratulations! You are now part of the Children’s Lighthouse franchisee family! The next step is what many of our franchise partners find the most exciting – developing your new preschool franchise. We’ll be with you throughout the entire process, helping you find and build out the perfect location, conducting comprehensive pre-opening training, and being on hand for your grand opening and beyond.

A Children’s Lighthouse franchise opportunity is one of the best in the industry and gets you immediate access to our recognized and respected brand name, among other important perks. Are you ready to offer your community the very best in early education and child care? Let’s start the conversation!

To find out more about a Children’s Lighthouse franchise opportunity and all it comes with, reach out to our team today.

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Learn More About Franchising with Children's Lighthouse

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